Through more then a decade we have proved that nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something, and together we are creating a better world - one child and a family at a time.

Barn på barnehjemmet i Zimbabwe

It is, and it should be, easy to make a difference, and we would love to help you get started with your engagement and dedication in helping others. When you fundraise for our project you will see the direct results, and you will be able to follow your donation closely. We have gathered some of the things you’ll be able to do below. For more information please contact 

Become a sponsor

Barna på barnehjemmet

Our organization is founded on individuals with a passion and drive to help. As a sponsor in our organization you decide the amount yourself, and nothing is too small or big. By giving a monthly donation you give us the security and predictability we need in order to run the organization smoothly. This defines how many children we are able to pay school fees for, how many local employees we can have, and how many new projects we’re able to start. If you want to become a sponsor you can setup a monthly donation through PayPal, or send us an email at All MCHP sponsors get their name on the sponsor board at the orphanage, as well as our newsletter that comes out every three months with updates from the project and the situation in Zimbabwe.

Give a once off donation

As an individual you can either join our sponsorship program and donate a monthly amount of your own preference, or you can give a once-off donation. All donations can be given easily and safely through our PayPal account you can find on this page (select currency and press «Donate»).

Start your own project

Throughout the year we help a wide range of people in putting up their own fundraising events and projects for the new orphanage. This can be schools, sports teams, friend groups and businesses. We help you set your own project into life! 

Christmas present with a meaning

Do you struggle to find Christmas presents to someone that has everything already? Or do you want to give away something that really makes a difference for someone who doesn’t have as much as you? We will help you find the really meaningful presents, like school fees, medical aid, food packages or a start up loan.

Contact us on for more information.